Friday, March 22, 2013

Ahh! The Greatness that is San Francisco

Woke up today. Put on my suit, and drove straight to San Francisco for Two different interviews with the recruiting firm known as Robert Half International.

Let me start by saying, if you have ever drive in the Financial District for the first time, it's quite the challenge. Imagine the business of New York, dodging buses, taxis, BICYCLISTS, and pedestrians who scream "UP YOURS". I'm sorry, It's my first time -__-

To find parking was a whole other challenge on its own. I noticed all over at the corner of my peripherals as I was "dodging" the parking garages with signs saying "$3 Dollars to park here" with the fine lines "every 15 minutes" and "$32 dollars after 4 hours". Of course they validate if  you eat at a local restaurant, but only if you leave before the 4 hours are up. I still paid $32. I'm thinking the people in San Francisco must really love it here to pay that much. To my surprise they did.

As I arrived to the office one hour early, I decided to go get something at my second home, "Starbucks". As I was researching for my interviews, I noticed a blonde girl sitting across from me. I decided to ask her "Are you a local? I'm interviewing for a job here, how's living in San Francisco?"

10 minutes later and an exchange of situations she San Francisco was the best. She had moved here from Arizona with her boyfriend, and decided to become a free lance writer. She quickly gave me her card and said if you ever want to hangout and grab drinks. I thought to myself, "wow, friendliest place ever". I did the same thing later at a by the Ferry Market with a marketing intern (working for free).  People are amazingly friendly here. Like Austin except "even more inviting".

AS for my two interviews...We'll see how it goes...I'll tell you later if they pan out.

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